When no one is currently occupying a given area of the building, the sensors note this and will turn off unnecessary lights as well as adjust temperature controls slightly. This helps to minimize the use of electricity during those periods when the space is not in active use.
As someone enters the space, the occupancy motion sensor recognizes the movement and automatically brings up the lights and adjusts the climate control equipment, allowing the individual to be comfortable while in the room. However, an occupancy sensor can also be used as a security measure.
With some monitoring systems, the occupancy sensor is configured to trigger surveillance cameras to display images of the area, making it possible for security personnel to view whomever has entered a given chamber or space.
While many people think of an occupancy sensor as controlling lights along with heating and cooling equipment, sensors of this type can do a lot more.
In like manner, the sensors can power up equipment when anyone enters the space, then power down that same equipment when the space is unoccupied.